Advantage II



Advantage® II is a monthly topical flea control for dogs that kills fleas through contact, so fleas do not have to bite to die. Advantage® IIkills fleas rapidly within 12 hours of initial application. Re-infesting fleas are killed within 2 hours with protection against further flea infestation lasting for up to a month. Pyriproxyfen provides the additional benefit of killing flea eggs and larvae to effectively break the flea life cycle. For use on dogs and puppies 7 weeks of age and older, weighing 3 lbs. or more.


Key benefits

  • Kills multiple flea life stages
  • Kills fleas within 12 hours of initial application
  • Kills reinfesting fleas within 2 hours
  • Works through contact, so fleas don’t have to bite to die
  • Waterproof
  • In case of severe infestation, may be applied sooner than every 4 weeks
  • Parasitology


  • Flea eggs
  • Flea infestations
  • Flea larvae
  • Fleas
  • Lice




What is an insect growth regulator?

An IGR, such as pyriproxyfen, inhibits the development of flea eggs. It also offers additional larvicidal properties when compared with imidacloprid alone.


What is an insect growth regulator?

An IGR, such as pyriproxyfen, inhibits the development of flea eggs. It also offers additional larvicidal properties when compared with imidacloprid alone.


Why is it important to use a product like Advantage® II for dogs with an IGR?

With an IGR as part of your flea control, the flea life cycle is disrupted at multiple stages through different active ingredients and modes of action. This is often referred to as integrated flea control (IFC). The addition of an IGR to Advantage® II provides ovicidal, as well as additional larvicidal properties to target flea infestations and kill flea life stages.


Is Advantage® II for dogs waterproof?

Yes, there is no need to reapply the product after weekly swimming or a bath. For best results, use a non-detergent shampoo.


What are the Advantage® II for dogs product weight bands?

Advantage® II is available in 4 weight bands that correspond with the body weight of your dog.

Each weight band is available in 4- or 6-packs.

3-10 lbs., small dog
11-20 lbs., medium dog
21-55 lbs., large dog
Over 55 lbs., extra large dog


What are the Advantage® II for dogs product weight bands?

Advantage® II is available in 4 weight bands that correspond with the body weight of your dog.

Each weight band is available in 4- or 6-packs.

3-10 lbs., small dog
11-20 lbs., medium dog
21-55 lbs., large dog
Over 55 lbs., extra large dog

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